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Delphine DORA 2 DAYS IN TOKYO 2024

Delphine DORA 2 DAYS IN TOKYO 2024

MAY 10, 2024 (FRI) Okubo Hikarinouma open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Albedo Gravitas Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 秋山徹次, TOMO

MAY 11, 2024 (SAT) ASAGAYA YELLOW VISION open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 福岡林嗣 浦邊雅祥、福岡林嗣、南部輝久

Delphine DORAvoice, keyboard instruments, etc(FR) デルフィーヌ・ドラは、フランスの作曲、即興演奏を共に行うミュージシャンであり、主にピアノ、パイプオルガン他、アコースティック、エレクトロニクスの区別なくキーボードを使用し、近年はフィールドレコーディングも作曲に取り入れている。声もまた彼女の音楽を構成するのに欠かせない要素で、神秘的かつ古代的元型と触れ合うが如くフラジャイルでイマジナリーな言語の詩を「歌」として描く。その音楽性は、異なったフォーク、ミニマル、即興音楽と通底し、英語、フランス語、ドイツ語を駆使し、その言語的元型を交錯させる。15年以上に渡り、フランス他各国のレーベルにてソロ、コラボレーションを問わず30以上の作品にレコーディング参加し、彼女自身の”ワイルド・サイレンス”レーベルの創設者でもある。

Delphine DoraDelphine Dora is a French musician, composer and improviser. Working mainly with keyboard instruments (piano, pipe organ, electronic keyboard…), her music has been enriched in recent years by the addition of field recordings to her compositions. The voice is also one of her favourite instruments, at times drawing on the language of poets, at other times on an imaginary language, a language freed of all signifiers, a voice that is fragile and embodied, archaic, mystical and free, but also plural and mutant voices that are embodied in her. On stage, she uses instruments such as the piano, organ or keyboards, and her voice, loops, various effects and mysterious sounds. Her performances are usually improvised, using voice and acoustic or electronic instrumentation, depending on the context and the place.Her iconoclastic music can be read as a work of personal cartography, based on an intuitive approach to composition and nourished by numerous approaches. For more than 15 years, she has been developing an intimate and plural musical universe, in perpetual metamorphosis, situated at the crossroads of different musical genres (folk music, minimalist music, improvised music, electroacoustic music, etc.) and languages (english, french, german, imaginary languages, etc.). A prolific musician, she has taken part in more than thirty recordings (solo and collaborations) in a variety of aesthetics on numerous french and foreign labels (Recital, three:four, Feeding Tube Records, Okraïna, By The bluest of the seas, Morc, fort evil fruit…). She is also the founder of the Wild Silence label.


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